In an earlier post I submitted the idea of RFK's (Request For Knowledge). The basic idea of monitoring the process of RFK's is measuring were formal requests are made and how and when they are answered.
In software development processes there are some number of methods and techniques to deal with a part of this like inspections, reviews and walkthrough. Based on their character, formal/informal, sometimes notes are made if it is a failure in documentation or a when it is a question is something is unclear. Basically this covers the monitoring of knowledge request for a part when documentation or requirements are already available.
In my opinion you can start the RFK process much earlier. You can start when the project is initiated. I mention "can start" intentionally. As I strongly believe you should not change you development process to this RFK-process. It should be otherwise around. You should define you RFK-process based on your development process and also your organization.
Basically the steps for the RFK process can be defined as following:
1. Define a Knowledge-need-landscape;
2. Name the development method;
3. Identify participants and stakeholders;
4. Define the areas were information is needed related to the system
5. Define the risks and impact of missing knowledge within the method;
6. Define the phases of monitoring the RFK's;
7. Select your toolset how to monitor RFK's;
8. Report on Impact and status of RFK's;
9. Get agreement how to deal with this impact;
10. Adapt your processes based on made decisions related to RFK's;
1. Define a Knowledge-need-landscape
For adapting your RFK-process to the organization you have to identify the locations where a possible need for information exists. To get a clear picture of this it is important you know how your development process will be. Often you will see that a specific development method is chosen.
2. Name the development method
If project management did not named the development method you have raised you first item for the RFK-list. In my opinion it is important to make a statement of the chosen development method. As every method has its strengths and weaknesses. These strengths and weaknesses have to be translated by the impact on knowledge gathering. Often you will see that the weaknesses of a method are translated in other steps which make the method a customization. This will consist in newer possibilities for information needs.
3. Identify participants and stakeholders
If the method is know you will be able to identify the participants of the project. Participants are potential persons to ask for information. There are also stakeholders. If you have identified these you are for a huge part able to tell were information should come from. Only keep in mind, also stakeholders can ask for information.
It is important that mutual agreements are made to provide information, how it should be delivered and when.
4. Define the areas were information is needed related to the system
Based on the RFK-landscape you are able to tell were information is needed. You might start mapping this to the requirements of the new system. The importance of requirements can also be used to classify the importance of RFK. A possible method to do this is using the MoSCoW-method. Next to linking them to requirements you have to link them to the processes and sub processes of the system as I mentioned in my previous post, for some processes they are not that important, for others it is most important.
5. Define the risks and impact of missing knowledge within the method
It is essential to define the risks and impact of missing knowledge. This will help you define the acceptance criteria. If some risks are unacceptable, strong agreements have to be made here and also monitoring should be more in place.
6. Define the phases of monitoring the RFK's
Not all projects need full monitoring. You have to adapt it on the organization as well. If an organization decides not to spend a lot of time on the requirements phase to get them defined in detail, you might decide to monitor not during this phase on requirements, only in the next phase when requirements become detailed enough. What you might think about is that besides developing the system, often a parallel project is started to create manuals and courses. You might also take this into consideration as the information request should match the RFK's in the development cycle. Perhaps new RFK's are initiated. These can be asked to the system under construction as well.
7. Select your toolset how to monitor RFK's
The toolset is used to register the RFK's. This can be done in a home made tool, as I don't think there are already tools to be used for RFK's. You also might create a simple list using a spreadsheet tool. It is important that the tool is flexible as the need for information based on RFK's might grow during the project.
Another tool might be a flip-over on the wall were you place sticky notes for every request.
8. Report on Impact and status of RFK's
Besides of registering RFK's you also have to report on these. And more important, people have to act on the information you provided.
9. Get agreement how to deal with this impact
To make people act on provided information it is important that you have defined the roles and responsibilities for acting on RFK's impact analysis. If this is not done the impact on not acting might have negative influence on the project, you should be able to point people on their responsibilities.
10. Adapt your processes based on made decisions related to RFK's
When RFK's are raised they can be neglected or granted. Either way this has impact on all processes in a development cycle. For instance, if RFK is granted, this leads to newer information. Related to the testing process you have to identify what impact it has on your test cases. If a certain amount of RFK's are rose for a specific area you have to check what your test effort is on that area. If it was low, perhaps you have to increase it as that area is a potential risk of errors as information was not complete or changed over the time.
This also means that you might have to change your acceptance criteria during the testing phases.
When I start writing this article I thought about painting some kind of picture how this process would look like. Only this would reduce the adaptability to all kinds of development methods. Therefore I kept it with defining some steps. I hope these give you some help and convinced you (perhaps just for some small bits) that also RFK's are important.
Cross-Team Coordination Patterns: Ordered
5 days ago
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