In my previous post Schedule the Unknown Unknowns I talked about the good post and classification by Catherine Powell about possible problems from systems in the test schedule: Problem Types. She wrote a follow-up on this: Uncertain of Your Uncertainty. She asked for ideas on this topic. This triggered me to dive in the subject of "Unknown Unkowns".
Although there are a lot of articles which can be found on the internet the one from Roger Nunn: The "Unknown Unknowns" of Plain English helped me to get a bit of light in the darkness. He posted there the "Rumsfeld's categories: the states of knowledge during communication"
1. Known knowns:
* Things I assume you know - so I do not need to mention them.
2. Known unknowns:
* Things I know you do not know - so perhaps I will tell you, if I want you to know.
* Things you know I do not know - but do you want me to know?
3. Unknown unknowns:
* Things I do not know that you do not know or that you need to know - so I do not think of telling you.
* Things I am not aware of myself - although it might be useful for you to know.
* Things you do not tell me, because you are not aware of them yourself - although I might need to know.
I think the main topic in his article is "Communication". He refers to Rumpsfeld: "Rumsfeld's winning enigma uses combinations of only two very common words that would fit into anyone's list of plain English lexis."
An article from C. David Brown, Ph.D. , PE: Testing Unmanned Systems triggered me to think in 2 types of systems: manned systems and unmanned systems. Why is this important? Acknowledging the existence of unmanned systems can help you not to forget also to those systems questions. Although I never worked with unmanned systems; I worked in projects with modules which were autonomously working parts in the whole systems. So there is a huge chance that it contains my "unknown unknowns".
C. David Brown classified Unmanned systems can generally be classified into three categories: - remotely operated;
- fully autonomous;
- leader-follower.
Combining these both stories you have to deal with human communication and system communication to find out about the "Unknown Unknowns". I think it should be possible to capture those uncertainties in a time schedule by identifying which questions on what moment to whom/what to ask for which purpose. Of course this is so obvious. Still it is hard to tell how to fill in those gaps.
What often I read on James Bach's and Michael Bolton's weblogs is to question the system, to question the business. To test the tester instead of certify the tester. If I'm correct these questions are raised to obtain mutual understanding and exchanging knowledge. The pitfall here is that questions are not asked because of one of the above 3 reasons mentioned in the "Unknown Unknowns".
Perhaps the nature of the system can help us here and also complexity.
If a system/function is running fully autonomous the chance of asking the system is much harder, the chance of getting answers from the system is even harder. Human interaction has to take place which is introducing another variant of those 3 unknown unknowns.
Perhaps you can continue now in at least 3 directions:
1. Keep asking the system and business, continue learning from each other and start adapting your test process based on this uncertainty;
2. Define an approach were you are not measuring how many time is already used, start measuring how many time you need to get things Done (a SCRUM approach could help)
3. Another option would be reviewing. I think the reviewing can decrease the occurrence of level of unknown unknowns as the individual expert is no longer the only persons who ask questions, also others. With reviews you might build up a system of numbers which can help you to define on which areas you have lesser knowledge by the number of questions raised or major issues found.
In the first 2 options, I can imagine that it will be hard to take this into your time schedule. If you will use the last option you might take some numbers from the Boehm curve. and play with it From the book (Dutch) "Reviews in de praktijk by J.J. Cannegieter, E. van Veenendaal, E. Van de Vliet and M. van der Zwan" a table they defined a simplified model of the Boehm-law:
Phase Simplified Boehm-law
Requirements 1
Functional Specifications 2
Technical Specification 4
Realization 8
Unit/Module test 16
System/Acceptance test 32
Production 64
Now you can start playing with these figures, keep in mind that this will not lead to reliable figures. At least some figures can be useful instead of no figures.
First: flip them around
Phase Simplified Boehm-law
Requirements 64
Functional Specifications 32
Technical Specification 16
Realization 8
Unit/Module test 4
System/Acceptance test 2
Production 1
Second: if 1 = 1 hour then you might calculate 20% for available unknown unknowns. Here you will have in the requirements phase and addition to the time schedule of 64 * 20% = 12,8 hrs
I think you can use such kind of calculation as in the beginning of a project the chance for unknown unknowns is much higher then at the end.
In this situation you accept that every unknown unknown will have the same impact.
You can add a third step to it:
Third: Add classification based on MoSCoW principle
Must haves = 100%,
Should Haves = 80%
Could Haves = 40%
Would Haves: = 20%
When having 10 M, 4 S, 25 C and 25 W this will lead in requirements phase to:
10*(64*20%))*100%= 128 hrs*100% + 4*(64*20%))*80%= 40.96 hrs + 25*(64*20%)*40%= 128 hrs + 25*(64*20%)*20%= total: 360.96 hrs
Fourth: Here are still a lot of assumptions made. Based on History and complexity the percentages should be adapted. The initial 20% should be defined based on historical figures. The percentages used in the MoSCoW classification can be defined on technical complexity combined with available information. I assume if a lot of questions are raised the chance something is missing will be higher if reviews are executed in a proven state.
Fifth: The numbers used from the simplified Boehm-law can be adapted based on level of clear communication between people. Perhaps the level of interactions between people can be used to minimize the chance that information is not shared in an early stage.
Cross-Team Coordination Patterns: Ordered
5 days ago
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