This macro is a small example how to measure the time a webpage is loaded:
Sub CalculateSpeed()
Dim sch As Object
Dim xmlUrl As String
Dim fName As String
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim counter As Long, k As Long
Set ws1 = ActiveSheet ' Result sheet ("sheet1")
counter = InputBox("How many times loading?")
k = 2
fName = "" ' internet adres
ws1.[A1:C1] = Array("StartTime", "EndTime", "TotalTime")
ws1.[A1:C1].Font.Bold = True 'Exit Sub
For i = 1 To counter
Set sch = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
sch.Navigate fName
'Optional to make visible explorer
sch.Visible = True
strtime = Now()
'Wait until page is loaded
Do While sch.Busy
endTime = Now()
totTim = Left(Right(endTime, 5), 2) - Left(Right(strtime, 5), 2)
ws1.Cells(k, 1) = Format(strtime, "")
ws1.Cells(k, 2) = Format(endTime, "")
ws1.Cells(k, 3) = totTim
k = k + 1
Next i
Set sch = Nothing
End Sub
To use this code:
1. Open Excel
2. Open VBA editor (ALT+F11)
3. Insert new module
4. Paste code.
5. Run Macro
Cross-Team Coordination Patterns: Ordered
5 days ago
Jeroen, probeer tzt ook nog eens een test te maken voor de grey-ware van mensen.
ReplyDeleteal was het maar voor hun zelf-kennis.
Veel succes verder,